Jun 9, 2012

Using The Right Kind Of Sun Block To Enhance Your Appearance And Prevent Premature Skin Aging

                    Wrinkles have a great influence on a person’s self-confidence. The stigma connected to an old looking face is demonstrated by the reality that Americans are spending some12 billion dollars every year for cosmetics just to conceal the signs of aging.

The sun’s role cannot be miscalculated and is the primary cause of the skin’s premature aging. Ultraviolet radiation (UVA and UVB) originating from exposure to the sun, produce up to 90 percent of premature “skin aging” symptoms.

Using The Right Kind Of Sun Block 3imagesUsing The Right Kind Of Sun Block2 images

- Even minute UV radiation amounts activate the process that can cause skin wrinkles.

- Long-term accumulative and repetitive sunlight exposure is responsible for the majority of unwanted consequences, including squamous and basal “cell carcinomas”.

- Melanoma is caused by extreme sun exposure in early childhood.

         Sunlight consists of UVA or UVB radiation that penetrates the skin layers and damages it resulting in wrinkles, pigmentation of the skin, discoloration, freckles, etc.

- UVB is the main driving force of sun burning which primarily affects the skin’s outer layers.

- UVA penetrates more deeply and the intensity does not fluctuate during the day.

Tips On Using The Correct Sun Block:

1. Make sure that the brand provides both UVB & UVA absorption. Read the label and check; it should provide “broad spectrum” protection to absorb both UVB and UVA rays.

2. Make certain that it will disperse heat. Your sun block formula must spread around the energy of the sun with particles that disperse light to reduce heat buildup.

3. It should absorb radiation. Read the label and make sure that it contains natural products which absorb infrared radiation.

4. It should protect you from free radicals. Your sun block should be formulated with extracts from natural herbs to shield the skin cell membranes and prevent damage caused by free radicals.

5. It should deliver liposomes. Ascertain that the sun block has microscopic liposomes which periodically release directly to your skin.

6. Your sun block must have emollients to soften, moisten, and delay skin’s premature aging. Certain herbal ingredients such as aloe Vera, coco butter, vitamins, and amino acids, promote healthy skin.

            Your skin cared for as early as possible and by using the right choice of products and understanding the type of your skin. Use sun block to shield your skin from the sun and prevent wrinkles.


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Jun 9, 2012

Using The Right Kind Of Sun Block To Enhance Your Appearance And Prevent Premature Skin Aging

                    Wrinkles have a great influence on a person’s self-confidence. The stigma connected to an old looking face is demonstrated by the reality that Americans are spending some12 billion dollars every year for cosmetics just to conceal the signs of aging.

The sun’s role cannot be miscalculated and is the primary cause of the skin’s premature aging. Ultraviolet radiation (UVA and UVB) originating from exposure to the sun, produce up to 90 percent of premature “skin aging” symptoms.

Using The Right Kind Of Sun Block 3imagesUsing The Right Kind Of Sun Block2 images

- Even minute UV radiation amounts activate the process that can cause skin wrinkles.

- Long-term accumulative and repetitive sunlight exposure is responsible for the majority of unwanted consequences, including squamous and basal “cell carcinomas”.

- Melanoma is caused by extreme sun exposure in early childhood.

         Sunlight consists of UVA or UVB radiation that penetrates the skin layers and damages it resulting in wrinkles, pigmentation of the skin, discoloration, freckles, etc.

- UVB is the main driving force of sun burning which primarily affects the skin’s outer layers.

- UVA penetrates more deeply and the intensity does not fluctuate during the day.

Tips On Using The Correct Sun Block:

1. Make sure that the brand provides both UVB & UVA absorption. Read the label and check; it should provide “broad spectrum” protection to absorb both UVB and UVA rays.

2. Make certain that it will disperse heat. Your sun block formula must spread around the energy of the sun with particles that disperse light to reduce heat buildup.

3. It should absorb radiation. Read the label and make sure that it contains natural products which absorb infrared radiation.

4. It should protect you from free radicals. Your sun block should be formulated with extracts from natural herbs to shield the skin cell membranes and prevent damage caused by free radicals.

5. It should deliver liposomes. Ascertain that the sun block has microscopic liposomes which periodically release directly to your skin.

6. Your sun block must have emollients to soften, moisten, and delay skin’s premature aging. Certain herbal ingredients such as aloe Vera, coco butter, vitamins, and amino acids, promote healthy skin.

            Your skin cared for as early as possible and by using the right choice of products and understanding the type of your skin. Use sun block to shield your skin from the sun and prevent wrinkles.


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