Jun 8, 2012

Anti-Aging Skin Care Product

              This article will give you a few tips on finding a good anti-aging skin care product. As we grow older our skin tends to lose it's elasticity and develop fine wrinkles. After forty, the skin becomes thinner and tends to sag. It is at this age that women will start worrying about the appearance of their skin and will investigate ways to give it a more youthful appearance. It is common knowledge that you can't slow down the aging process, however there are ways to make your skin look younger and healthier.

             Your skin starts to age from the time you are born. But it really starts to become noticeable in individuals over forty. This is when you will start to notice fine wrinkles, decreasing skin thickness and uneven skin tone and texture. The damage from the sun's UV rays are beginning to catch up with you also. This is the time that you need to really start taking care of your skin.

             The most important product you can use on your skin is a sunscreen. The sun's UV rays can cause wrinkles, leathery skin and skin cancer. Protect your skin at all times when out in the sun.

            After many years of research, scientists have found that certain vitamins and mineral extracts are beneficial in reversing the effects of aging and slowing down the aging process. These are now being used in a lot of anti aging creams on the market today. The following is a list of the substances found to help the aging skin process:

greentea images

- Green tea extract is full of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It is used in anti-aging creams to reduce puffiness, wrinkles and large pores in the skin.

- Vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant that promotes wound healing and builds collagen. It can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and help heal sunburned skin.

- Vitamin A is another vitamin that helps to build collagen. It can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin A also has excellent exfoliating properties.

- Alpha Hydroxy Acids and Glycolic Acids are proven to be very effective in improving skin tone and texture. It can also form the production of new collagen and unblock pores to help treat acne.

- Copper peptides have recently been discovered to naturally firm the skin, reduce wrinkles and improve elasticity.

              There are other things that you can do along with using an anti-aging cream to reduce the signs of aging. The first thing is to eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water. Exercise regularly to increase blood flow and get plenty of sleep to enhance tissue repair.no smokingimages

              One of the most important things to do, is to quit smoking. Smoking will cause lines and wrinkles in your face faster than anything else. It also denies the skin of much needed oxygen. Take a close look at someone who smokes. You can see distinct lines and wrinkles around the mouth, especially along the upper lip and around the eyes.

              You can't stop the aging process but with the advances in technology and research you may be able to stop the appearance of aging. Find a good anti-aging cream that works and you might find yourself looking twenty years younger!


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Jun 8, 2012

Anti-Aging Skin Care Product

              This article will give you a few tips on finding a good anti-aging skin care product. As we grow older our skin tends to lose it's elasticity and develop fine wrinkles. After forty, the skin becomes thinner and tends to sag. It is at this age that women will start worrying about the appearance of their skin and will investigate ways to give it a more youthful appearance. It is common knowledge that you can't slow down the aging process, however there are ways to make your skin look younger and healthier.

             Your skin starts to age from the time you are born. But it really starts to become noticeable in individuals over forty. This is when you will start to notice fine wrinkles, decreasing skin thickness and uneven skin tone and texture. The damage from the sun's UV rays are beginning to catch up with you also. This is the time that you need to really start taking care of your skin.

             The most important product you can use on your skin is a sunscreen. The sun's UV rays can cause wrinkles, leathery skin and skin cancer. Protect your skin at all times when out in the sun.

            After many years of research, scientists have found that certain vitamins and mineral extracts are beneficial in reversing the effects of aging and slowing down the aging process. These are now being used in a lot of anti aging creams on the market today. The following is a list of the substances found to help the aging skin process:

greentea images

- Green tea extract is full of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It is used in anti-aging creams to reduce puffiness, wrinkles and large pores in the skin.

- Vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant that promotes wound healing and builds collagen. It can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and help heal sunburned skin.

- Vitamin A is another vitamin that helps to build collagen. It can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin A also has excellent exfoliating properties.

- Alpha Hydroxy Acids and Glycolic Acids are proven to be very effective in improving skin tone and texture. It can also form the production of new collagen and unblock pores to help treat acne.

- Copper peptides have recently been discovered to naturally firm the skin, reduce wrinkles and improve elasticity.

              There are other things that you can do along with using an anti-aging cream to reduce the signs of aging. The first thing is to eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water. Exercise regularly to increase blood flow and get plenty of sleep to enhance tissue repair.no smokingimages

              One of the most important things to do, is to quit smoking. Smoking will cause lines and wrinkles in your face faster than anything else. It also denies the skin of much needed oxygen. Take a close look at someone who smokes. You can see distinct lines and wrinkles around the mouth, especially along the upper lip and around the eyes.

              You can't stop the aging process but with the advances in technology and research you may be able to stop the appearance of aging. Find a good anti-aging cream that works and you might find yourself looking twenty years younger!


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