Jun 9, 2012

How to Have a Glowing Skin.

How to have a glowing skin. 

woman holding a bag full of healthy food. shopping .
        Everyone wants glowing skin, healthy and flawless skin,but in this age of hectic schedules, deadlines
and long hours people have less time to take care of their health as well as their skin. As a result,
over time they find dark spots, wrinkles and unhealthy skin. Proper skin nourishing treatments are necessary
to retain skin's youth fulappeal and can help to retain the natural glow and smooth texture. 

          Your diet is a vital factor in determining the health of your skin, as you need to feed your skin from inside and out: Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit, drink fresh water, and use cold pressed, organic vegetable oils.          A diet based on these basics will ensure that your skin feels and looks healthy and young.For repairing damaged skin, some essential ingredients include Vitamins A, E, and C, Silica,Sulphur, and Essential Fatty Acids.
          Drinking insufficient amounts of water will, unfortunately,lead to premature ageing of the skin. Similarly, a diet lacking the correct nutrients outlined above, and poor blood circulation (sclerosis) from poor diet and lifestyle, will also lead to your skin deteriorating at an early stage of your life.
          The elements, particularly the sun, are the most common causes of damaged skin. Although sunshine is vital for our general health, and our levels of happiness, you should avoid being out in the sun in the middle of the day in summertime, especially in hot countries.
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          If you are fortunate enough to live in a hot country, I highly recommend that you use organic, natural sun screens. Also, wear a hat, trousers and a long sleeved shirt if possible. You also need to feed your skin from the outside by moisturising it regularly: organic oils are ideal for this. Feed your skin from the inside by drinking a lot of fresh water. 
          Many people are unaware of the fact that some antibiotics and other conventional medication can increase the chances of skin damage from exposure to sunlight. My advice is to use oils such as Carrot and Borage on your skin that are rich in Vitamins A and E. Pure Vitamin E oil is also good. Organic skincare products that are high in vitamins, flavinoids, and antioxidants are also hugely beneficial. Cryotherapy, or laser resurfacing are, in my opinion, only to be onsidered as a last resort.

            People often ask me how they can stop the ageing process, and eliminate their lines and wrinkles. Whilst it is unfortunately not possible to cease this process, there are certain things we can all do to slow it down: Regular exercise, a vegetarian diet, a good amount of fresh water, as well as some key nutritional
supplements will all help, as will a good attitude to life in general: We all need to take care of ourselves and those around us, as ultimately, we are all one.

                                                                   How to Have a Glowing Skin.

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Using The Right Kind Of Sun Block To Enhance Your Appearance And Prevent Premature Skin Aging

                    Wrinkles have a great influence on a person’s self-confidence. The stigma connected to an old looking face is demonstrated by the reality that Americans are spending some12 billion dollars every year for cosmetics just to conceal the signs of aging.

The sun’s role cannot be miscalculated and is the primary cause of the skin’s premature aging. Ultraviolet radiation (UVA and UVB) originating from exposure to the sun, produce up to 90 percent of premature “skin aging” symptoms.

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- Even minute UV radiation amounts activate the process that can cause skin wrinkles.

- Long-term accumulative and repetitive sunlight exposure is responsible for the majority of unwanted consequences, including squamous and basal “cell carcinomas”.

- Melanoma is caused by extreme sun exposure in early childhood.

         Sunlight consists of UVA or UVB radiation that penetrates the skin layers and damages it resulting in wrinkles, pigmentation of the skin, discoloration, freckles, etc.

- UVB is the main driving force of sun burning which primarily affects the skin’s outer layers.

- UVA penetrates more deeply and the intensity does not fluctuate during the day.

Tips On Using The Correct Sun Block:

1. Make sure that the brand provides both UVB & UVA absorption. Read the label and check; it should provide “broad spectrum” protection to absorb both UVB and UVA rays.

2. Make certain that it will disperse heat. Your sun block formula must spread around the energy of the sun with particles that disperse light to reduce heat buildup.

3. It should absorb radiation. Read the label and make sure that it contains natural products which absorb infrared radiation.

4. It should protect you from free radicals. Your sun block should be formulated with extracts from natural herbs to shield the skin cell membranes and prevent damage caused by free radicals.

5. It should deliver liposomes. Ascertain that the sun block has microscopic liposomes which periodically release directly to your skin.

6. Your sun block must have emollients to soften, moisten, and delay skin’s premature aging. Certain herbal ingredients such as aloe Vera, coco butter, vitamins, and amino acids, promote healthy skin.

            Your skin cared for as early as possible and by using the right choice of products and understanding the type of your skin. Use sun block to shield your skin from the sun and prevent wrinkles.


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Jun 8, 2012

Top Skin Care Products

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            This article will give an idea of what the top skin care products are on the market today. Taking care of your skin is very important. Your skin is the first thing people notice about you and it is a good indicator of the way you feel. If you are tired, stressed or just not taking care of yourself properly, it is reflected in your skin. If you have made the decision to take better care of your body, don't neglect your skin.

           The first thing you should do before choosing a skin care product is determine what kind of skin you have. Is your skin oily, dry or combination? Do you have sensitive skin? Are you prone to acne outbreaks? These things must be taken into consideration before choosing a product.

           Once you have determined your skin type, research the various skin care products on the market. The best skin cleanser that gets rave reviews from dermatologists is Cetaphil cleanser. This is a non-soap cleanser that is gentle on all skin types. It has pure ingredients and won't clog pores. But it should not be used as a make-up remover. product skincare2images

             The next skin care product that gets good reviews is the Neutrogena line of products. It comes in gel, lotion or pre moistened towlettes. It can be used to remove make-up and contains vitamins A, C, and E. Neutrogena makes a cleanser for sensitive skin and also has lotions that contain SPF-15.

            MaryKay skin care products get good reviews from experts and the women that use them. These products may be a little more expensive, but women say that the result is worth the price. MaryKay contains Vitamin E, retinyl palmitate and microbeads for the best skin cleansing experience.

             If you are looking for a good moisturizer, Neutrogena wins the prize. It is moderately priced and has gotten great reviews from consumer review groups. If you have sensitive skin, then the best moisturizer for you would be Dove sensitive skin facial lotion. It is fragrance free and dye free and contains fatty acids that can develop a protective skin barrier. If you are looking for a good anti-aging moisturizer that also contains sunscreen, try Olay total effects. It contains a sunscreen with a UV protection of SPF-15. It also contains vitamins that are known anti-oxidants that are meant to nourish the skin.

           The secret to finding the best skin product is to try a few and see what works best for you. Your budget may also be a deciding factor in which product you choose. Some of the skin care products can be very expensive. However, higher price does not necessarily mean it is a better product. Do your research and find one that has great reviews like the ones listed above. Your skin is a barrier that protects you from germs and other types of bacteria. It takes care of you. Don't you think it is time that you return the favor?

reference :http://www.freearticles.com

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Anti-Aging Skin Care Product

              This article will give you a few tips on finding a good anti-aging skin care product. As we grow older our skin tends to lose it's elasticity and develop fine wrinkles. After forty, the skin becomes thinner and tends to sag. It is at this age that women will start worrying about the appearance of their skin and will investigate ways to give it a more youthful appearance. It is common knowledge that you can't slow down the aging process, however there are ways to make your skin look younger and healthier.

             Your skin starts to age from the time you are born. But it really starts to become noticeable in individuals over forty. This is when you will start to notice fine wrinkles, decreasing skin thickness and uneven skin tone and texture. The damage from the sun's UV rays are beginning to catch up with you also. This is the time that you need to really start taking care of your skin.

             The most important product you can use on your skin is a sunscreen. The sun's UV rays can cause wrinkles, leathery skin and skin cancer. Protect your skin at all times when out in the sun.

            After many years of research, scientists have found that certain vitamins and mineral extracts are beneficial in reversing the effects of aging and slowing down the aging process. These are now being used in a lot of anti aging creams on the market today. The following is a list of the substances found to help the aging skin process:

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- Green tea extract is full of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It is used in anti-aging creams to reduce puffiness, wrinkles and large pores in the skin.

- Vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant that promotes wound healing and builds collagen. It can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and help heal sunburned skin.

- Vitamin A is another vitamin that helps to build collagen. It can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin A also has excellent exfoliating properties.

- Alpha Hydroxy Acids and Glycolic Acids are proven to be very effective in improving skin tone and texture. It can also form the production of new collagen and unblock pores to help treat acne.

- Copper peptides have recently been discovered to naturally firm the skin, reduce wrinkles and improve elasticity.

              There are other things that you can do along with using an anti-aging cream to reduce the signs of aging. The first thing is to eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water. Exercise regularly to increase blood flow and get plenty of sleep to enhance tissue repair.no smokingimages

              One of the most important things to do, is to quit smoking. Smoking will cause lines and wrinkles in your face faster than anything else. It also denies the skin of much needed oxygen. Take a close look at someone who smokes. You can see distinct lines and wrinkles around the mouth, especially along the upper lip and around the eyes.

              You can't stop the aging process but with the advances in technology and research you may be able to stop the appearance of aging. Find a good anti-aging cream that works and you might find yourself looking twenty years younger!


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Self Tanning Lotion Steps to Follow for a Perfect Tan

             To get the perfect results using a self tanning lotion, there are a few steps that are a must-do. First and foremost, follow the directions closely, primarily because not all lotions are created equal. For example, some may be runnier than others and some may be tinted instead of the normal clear.

            Every day more self tanning lotions are coming out and are being improved, such as those that contain bronzers to let you see where you’re putting the lotion on and natural fragrances to reduce the chemical smell from your skin cells reacting to DHA.

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          In addition, there are other steps that you need to follow to help to ensure that you get the proper color the first time, every time. These include:

         • EXFOLIATION! This is in capital letters because this is the one main cardinal rules when you apply any sunless tanning product. At least 4 hours before your session, make sure that you exfoliate.

          If you use a salt-based scrub, either do this one day prior to your tanning or use a quality cleanser after so that no oil remains on the surface of the skin.

• Next, you really should use gloves. Using gloves helps to prevent the orange palms syndrome. Make sure the gloves snugly fit over your hands otherwise you will have some trouble applying the tan evenly.

One particularly useful tip is that if you can’t get gloves, keep a warm mixture of bleach water next to you so that you can immediately clean your palms off afterwards.

• Another step that is extremely important is to apply the tanning solution section by section. Many experienced self tanners suggest starting at the legs and working up the body. Perfect Tanimages

          Applying the lotion in sections, especially small ones, will help to avoid missing areas and streaking as well as make the application process easier.

• At each section, after you apply the self tanning lotion, work it into the skin until it is completely absorbed. Don’t be vigorous at this, a gentle motion will do, you just want to make sure that you get the full benefit of the lotion.

• If you didn’t buy another tanning product specifically designed for your face, use what you are using on the body.

            It’s a good idea though to mix a couple of dabs of regular lotion in with the tanning product to disperse the coloring more evenly.

• In addition, tanning lotions will tint your eyebrows and if they are tinted too much, they will look kind of funny. It has been recommended that you use a damp Q-tip on the eyebrows after you’ve applied the tan to remove any leftover lotion.

• Tan the back of your hands gently and make sure to sponge around the dry areas of your body, such as the soles of the feet, elbows and knees to remove any excess.

• And lastly, let yourself dry completely before you put your clothes on.

           When you are applying a self tanning lotion, remember to follow the directions on the bottle. There are also though, other tips of the trade that will help to give you the best tan.

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Vitamins Improve Appearance

           A fast paced lifestyle can take its toll on the health and appearance of Americans. Most do not get adequate sleep, nourishment, and exercise. This is one of the reasons why vitamins and supplements have become household names. An average American needs at least thirteen vitamins to keep the body in good shape and keep everyone going. But do they improve a person’s appearance?

         The Following Are The Vitamins That Can Greatly Improve A Person’s Appearance:

1. Vitamin E.

          Perhaps the most popular vitamin that is often associated with beautiful skin is Vitamin E. It protects fatty acids and keeps oxidation inside the body cells. It also helps keep body tissues from breaking down.

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  According to US Recommended Daily Supplement (RDA), people who are 19 years or older require at least 15 milligrams of Vitamin E each day. Good sources of Vitamin E are eggs, tomato juice, apples, avocados, spinach, potatoes, turnips, etc.

          Having a beautiful skin will definitely improve the appearance of a person. Achieving this is easy; it only takes knowledge about Vitamin E and the proper intake of it.

2. Vitamin C.grapefruit images

           This is very essential to the body and its appearance; lack of it causes Scurvy. This disease causes inflamed and bleeding gums that result in tooth loss, slow wound healing, bumps on the legs and arms, and easy bruising.

            Vitamin C comes from citrus fruits such as limes, orange with vitamin Cimagesgrapefruit, and oranges. It can also be found in vegetables such as green peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, etc.

3. Vitamin D.

          This improves the posture by protecting the bones and muscles. An adequate supply of vitamin D3 (also known as calcium) protects a person from Osteoporosis. Obtaining this vitamin from food alone may not be easy, and for this reason it is recommended to consider using supplements. The most common sources of Vitamin D are oysters, clams, etc.; fish such as salmon and sardines; eggs, beef liver, etc.

4. Vitamin B.

           There are 8 groups of B-complex vitamins; these are B1 or thiamine, B2 or riboflavin, B3 or Niacin, B6 or pyridoxine, B9 or folic acid, B12 or cyanocobalamin, etc. They provide energy for the body and make skin healthy.

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           Vitamin B can be found in cereal, rice, meat, corn, nuts, cheese, meat, eggs, etc.

           Vitamins, like food, are essential for keeping the body in good shape and improve its appearance. Getting them is easy as ABC. Eating a well balanced diet combined with taking vitamins is the way to go.

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Skin Types – Dry skin

            Dry skin can be a blessing but more often it is troublesome. Those with dry skin generally need not worry about blemishes except for the occasional stray that appears from hormonal changes or stress. But dry skin looks dull and flaky. And worse, it can emphasize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
           Age and the environment are two factors that contribute to this skin type. Over time, the sebaceous glands within the dermis layer slow their production of sebum, the body's natural moisturizer. The skin's ability to retain moisture also lessens as we grow older. This is caused by the breakdown of the intracellular matrix, the collagen and elastin layer that helps hold skin tissue together. When this layer begins to break apart, it becomes more difficult for skin to hold in moisture. As moisture escapes, skin becomes drier.
          Other causes of dry skin include climates that are arid, windy and dry. Use of harsh soaps and detergents and too much unprotected exposure to the sun's damaging rays can also negatively influence skin. Genetics plays a role as well.
How Do I Know I Have Dry Skin?
           First consider where you live. Windy areas and areas with low humidity cause dryness by stripping skin of its Dry skin imagesnatural oils. Living in areas where winters are cold causes skin trouble as well. Even if you don't spend much time outdoors, interior heaters as well as air conditioning units in hot, dry climates can sap the air of moisture and cause dry skin.
          Visible indicators of dry skin include skin that flakes easily. Plus, dry skin often looks tight and taut because pore openings are very tiny. If you don't yet see these tell-tale signs of dry skin but you're at or approaching mid-life, it's time to start looking.
Caring For Dry Skin
            If you have dry skin, proper care involves retaining as much moisture as possible. One way is to avoid using products containing alcohol because alcohol dries. Recommended ingredients for dry skin include alpha hydroxy, lactic acids, petroleum, lanolin and glycerin so take time to read product labels.
            Dry skin won't always feel like it needs to be cleansed, but it does, twice daily, morning and night. Using a gentle cleanser made especially for skin that's dry, cleanse using warm, not hot water. Finish off with a cool rinse. It's never a good idea to use hot water to clean any type of skin or to soak in a tub because doing so will only strip skin of its natural oils.
            After washing your skin, pat it dry using a soft towel. Then apply a light moisturizer. Those containing Vitamin E are excellent choices. If you wear make-up choose foundations that contain the moisturizing ingredients mentioned above.
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              Help keep skin hydrated by drinking water and increasing your consumption of high water content foods such as cucumbers and watermelon. Most fruits and vegetables are excellent hydrating foods plus they're excellent sources of important vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Antioxidants are crucial in helping maintain the skin's intracellular matrix.
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Skin Types – Oily Skin

            Of all the skin types, oily skin is often the most challenging. Oil production is completely natural and is the result of the sebaceous glands located in the dermis or middle layer of skin. These natural oils help keep skin moist and supple. But for some, the sebaceous glands produce too much oil, leading to the most dreaded of the skin types – oily skin.
How do I know I have oily skin?
Most teen-agers have oily skin because this is the time when hormone production is in full swing. But if you've passed your teen years, there are other ways of determining whether oily skin imagesor not you have oily skin. It's fairly easy to detect, so start by looking in the mirror. Do you notice a sheen on your skin, especially in your 'T-Zone?' The T-Zone starts at the point between your eyes and extends vertically down along your nose all the way to your chin. The zone also runs horizontally across the bridge of your nose, starting and ending at the center point below each eye.
You may or may not notice the sheen during the day, so check again first thing after waking. If there's a sheen, chances are good you have oily skin. While you're standing at the mirror, take a look at your hair. If it's oily, it's another indication you likely have oily skin. If you wear make-up, specifically foundation, and you find it fades or wears off after a couple of hours, that's yet another indication of oily skin. If you're constantly patting your face with powder or even a handkerchief it's probably because of oily skin.
The presence of blemishes is another good indication although stress, hormones and other factors can all cause outbreaks. And remember that oily skin isn't found only on the face. The back, neck, chest, shoulders and arms can all be oily.
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How to care for oily skin?
If you do have oily skin, you probably feel that the best way to combat it is to strip away those pore-clogging, sheen-producing oils. Don't! Although they cause trouble for your complexion, oils produced by the sebaceous glands are important because they act as the skin's natural moisturizer. And oily skin is sometimes sensitive. Rather than completely remove oil, you need to keep it under control.
Another reason not to use harsh soaps that strip away oil is that doing so may cause the sebaceous glands to increase their oil production. They'll instinctively want to replenish the lost oils and you may end up with a bigger problem.
You've got to keep oily skin clean so that pores openings remain clear. Otherwise, dead cells, dirt and other bacteria will clog pores and cause pimples. Skin is delicate so always use a gentle cleanser and warm, not hot water. Exfoliate weekly with a non-abrasive product to help remove any pore-clogging material or use a toner that does not list alcohol as an ingredient.
Use products that moisturize in moderation and according to directions. Make sure the cosmetics and sun protection you use are oil-free. Look for skin care products with the words 'non-comedogenic' or 'non-acnegenic' on the labels.
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Skin Types - Combination Skin

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            Combination skin is a separate category of skin type. It's neither 100% dry or normal or oily. It's instead a combination that's characterized as normal and oily skin, or skin that's oily and dry. In other words, like the song, combination skin is 'a little bit of this, and a little bit of that'.
             The common denominator in either type of combination skin is the presence of oily areas so care must be taken not to further aggravate these areas. Usually, it's the areas with the highest concentration of oil-producing glands – the face, chest, shoulders and the back – that are oily. Other body parts have fewer oil glands which is why they're either normal or have characteristics of dryness.
             The cause of combination skin really has to do with oil-producing glands that produce more oil than normal. Dryness is primarily caused by the environment, age and the breakdown of the intracellular matrix.
              Most people know whether they have combination skin just by looking at it. The areas that appear shiny likely will have some amount of pimples and/or blackheads. Makeup and other cosmetics usually won't last through an entire day without re-application. Dry areas flake and appear dull and may feel irritated.
Skin Care For Combination Skin
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              Proper skin care for combination skin        is best described as a delicate balancing act. You don't want to over-moisturize the oily areas, which mainly include the 'T-zone' or you risk waking up with an explosion of blemishes dotting your face. And likewise, you don't want to apply products formulated for oily skin to the areas that aren't oily or you risk waking up with skin that feels taut and scaly, especially around the eyes and mouth. So what's the proper way to care for combination skin?
             Cleansing twice daily with warm water and a gentle gel cleanser is most important. This helps to remove dead skin cells, dirt and excess oil so they don't block pore openings. Follow with a toner that's either water-based or glycerin-based after cleansing to help remove remaining residue. Periodic exfoliating is recommended to remove any remaining dead cells so new skin can take its place. It helps keep skin looking fresh and radiant. Be sure to look for skin care products that aim to balance the different skin types.
              For oily-normal skin, you want to keep skin hydrated, but dry in the areas prone to excessive oil. Choose moisturizers that are water-based rather than oil-based, making sure to apply sparingly to oil-prone areas. Spot-treat blemishes as necessary. Benzoyl peroxide products are very effective. Apply cosmetics designed to absorb oils, like powders or dab with oil-absorbing tissues as necessary.
             For oily-dry skin, moisturizing dry areas with emollient-based products is important to keep skin feeling fresh. The eyes may need an even heavier moisturizer and if so, just be sure to keep it away from the T-zone.
            And never forget the importance of applying sunscreen. Fortunately, many foundations and powders now do double-duty as both make-up and sunscreen!
reference                                                                                http://www.freearticle.com
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Jun 7, 2012

A Relaxing Spa Experience Will Help You Enhance Your


           Spas abound in all sizes and shapes and they all have one thing in common which is that is all are dedicated to providing personal health. To a certain degree, each addresses emotional, physical and spiritual needs.

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          You can walk out of a spa physically and emotionally sound and free from stress. Stress is the number one factor that affects not only your emotions and health, but your appearance as well. A day in a spa helps to release stress and allows for the release of all negative energy, both of which are necessary to attain a more tranquil body.

The Best Spa Environment Must Offer The Following:

- Clean Surroundings

- Professional, Courteous And Friendly Staff

- Credentials That Are Available When Requested

Basic Spa Treatments Include:

1. Therapeutic massage is the use of the hands on the on the muscles of the body to provide a soothing and relaxing feeling as well as several other health benefits.

2. A facial is a service offered in a spa that involves deep cleansing, skin analysis, massage, toning, moisturizing and "extraction" - which is the removal of impurities, particularly blackheads.

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3. Body treatments involve cleansing by exfoliating with a body scrub or salt glow to cleanse the skin and remove the dead skin layers, resulting in a very soft and refreshed feeling.

     Body scrubs are usually supplemented with either a hydrating or detoxifying body wrap. Algae, seaweed or mud products are used to detoxify as they increase blood circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system. This improves your body's ability to release waste products. During the treatment, an oil or rich cream is applied to hydrate the skin to make it softer and glowing.

4. Spa manicures and pedicures and foot scrubs are available in some spas that have salons for hair styling and cutting services as well.

Before Going To A Spa, Call And Ask About The Following:

- Ask about the services they offer. There are those that offer the basics such as facials, massages, foot scrubs, “manicures and pedicures”, and others that offer specialized bodywork, body wraps and much more.

- Ask about prices.

- Ask about the staff: are they certified or not? Can you see their credentials?

Your Spa Etiquette:

- Turn off the cell phone.

- Massage is generally done nude, however parts of the body that are not being massaged will be covered.

- Share the space with other spa customers respectfully.

- If there’s anything that displeases you, talk to the manager.

- Remember to tip 15-20 percent.

Relax and savor each spa moment and arrive 20 minutes before so that you have enough time to change and enjoy the sauna.

Treat yourself to a spa today! You deserve it!


reference                                                                                   http://www.freearticle.com

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L-Glutathione, The Wonder Antioxidant by: Barrett Niehus

        A naturally occurring compound, L-Glutathione (Tathion,) has demonstrated that it is effective in fighting cancer, environmental poisons, and even cataracts. Sound like snake oil? Well, that is what I thought until I started doing research. It turns out that L-Glutathione is one of the most effective antioxidants that our body produces. It works to protect our bodies from the thousands of daily hazards that we are exposed to such as pollution, second hand smoke, alcohol, and food chemicals and poisons. In fact, it is so effective that some researchers believe that it can actually slow down the aging process.


       L-Glutathione is an antioxidant that our body produces from three basic amino acids that are found in our food. Our body makes it and uses it, along with the other vitamins that we ingest, as a hard line defense against all of the hazards that cause us to grow sick and old. This is important because research into this specific anti-oxidant has shown that it can actually cure disease, regenerate damaged tissue, minimize the side effects of chemotherapy, and treat cataracts.

        It works by acting as a guardian to the toxic compounds that attack our cells. These compounds, typically called free radicals, are extremely aggressive and attack the molecules that make up the cells in our body. These free radicals change the chemical structure of the molecules in our cells and make them ineffective. This in turn either kills the cell, makes it ineffective, or turns it cancerous. L-Glutathione and other antioxidants attack the free radicals and destroy them before they have a chance to attack the cells.


         Because it protects our cells by attacking the external poisons, the levels of L-Glutathione in our blood have the potential to significantly impact our overall health. Studies have demonstrated that administration of L-Glutathione is extremely effective in treated diseases such as Hepatitis. It has also been shown to be a key player in the regeneration of the liver, and to combat cirrhosis. The compound is useful in treating jaundice and protects the brain and body tissues in the event of poisoning. In addition, the level of tissue damage from Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulfide, heavy metals, pesticides, and environmental poisoning has been demonstrated to be significantly lower with adequate L-Glutathione in the blood stream. Finally, the side effects of chemotherapy and the growth of cataracts have been demonstrated to be significantly reduced with the addition of L-Glutathione.

So what does all of this mean? Essentially, it is time to supplement your diet with L-Glutathione or the proteins that help your body make more of this essential nutrient. Although L-Glutathione is readily made by your body, supplementation with it and its precursors may increase your overall level of protection. Glutathione and its precursors, Cysteine, Glycine and L-Glutamic Acid, are all readily available as food supplements in your local health food store. In addition to eating a healthy and balanced diet, supplementation with Glutathione and its constituents can only help to increase your overall level of health, and may even slow down the process of growing old.

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Jun 5, 2012

Anti-Aging Skin Care Product.

             This article will give you a few tips on finding a good anti-aging skin care product. As we grow older our skin tends to lose it's elasticity and develop fine wrinkles. After forty, the skin becomes thinner and tends to sag. It is at this age that women will start worrying about the appearance of their skin and will investigate ways to give it a more youthful appearance. It is common knowledge that you can't slow down the aging process, however there are ways to make your skin look younger and healthier.
              Your skin starts to age from the time you are born. But it really starts to become noticeable in individuals over forty. This is when you will start to notice fine wrinkles, decreasing skin thickness and uneven skin tone and texture. The damage from the sun's UV rays are beginning to catch up with you also. This is the time that you need to really start taking care of your skin.
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          Top skin care product you can use on your skin is a sunscreen. The sun's UV rays can cause wrinkles, leathery skin and skin cancer. Protect your skin at all times when out in the sun.
            After many years of research, scientists have found that certain vitamins and mineral extracts are beneficial in reversing the effects of aging and slowing down the aging process. These are now being used in a lot of anti aging creams on the market today. The following is a list of the substances found to help the aging skin process:
          - Green tea extract is full of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It is used in anti-aging creams to reduce puffiness, wrinkles and large pores in the skin.  greentea2images
          - Vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant that promotes wound healing and builds collagen.    It can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and help heal sunburned skin.
           - Vitamin A is another vitamin that helps to build collagen. It can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin A also has excellent exfoliating properties.
           - Alpha Hydroxy Acids and Glycolic Acids are proven to be very effective in improving skin tone and texture. It can also form the production of new collagen and unblock pores to help treat acne.
           - Copper peptides have recently been discovered to naturally firm the skin, reduce wrinkles and improve elasticity.
            There are other things that you can do along with using an anti-aging cream to reduce the signs of aging. The first thing is to eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water. Exercise regularly to increase blood flow and get plenty of sleep to enhance tissue repair.
             One of the most important things to do, is to quit smoking. Smoking will cause lines and wrinkles in your face faster than anything else. It also denies the skin of much needed oxygen. Take a close look at someone who smokes. You can see distinct lines and wrinkles around the mouth, especially along the upper lip and around the eyes.
             You can't stop the aging process but with the advances in technology and research you may be able to stop the appearance of aging. Find a good anti-aging cream that works and you might find yourself looking twenty years younger!
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How To Make Use Of Natural Products To Enhance Your Looks.

             Man's tendency to become obsessed with being beautiful and how to be beautiful has not faded throughout time. Man's vanity continues to increase as man becomes more attached to technology and modern life.

            While there are different concepts of beauty among those who lived during the middle ages and those who are living in the 21st century, this yearning to capture beauty has remained unchanged.

             The only difference in this yearning is that today, there are a thousand and one ways available for man to become beautiful. Liposuction, nose lift, bust enhancement, lip and eyebrow tattoos, modern make up: name it, and modern man has it at his fingertips. How To Make Use Of Natural Products To Enhance Your Looks1

          The use of modern-day methods to enhance one's appearance has caused more trouble for man. Cosmetic surgeries and other beauty enhancers do not come cheap so one must have unlimited resources to finance the vanity. Despite man's preference for the unnatural beauty methods, there is always an option available to use natural beauty enhancers.

            A beauty secret that occurs in nature and is practically free, except perhaps for the monthly bill, is water. Water has been recommended by movie stars and glamour experts all over the world as a natural way of keeping the skin smooth and beautiful. Drinking plenty of water will rid the body of harmful toxins that can cause disease and physical imperfections such as acne.

              Another product that is absolutely free and is there for the taking is sleep. Lack of sleep makes a person irritable and ugly inside and out. Improper sleeping habits can cause the skin to become dry and break out. Lack of sleep can cause dark circles under the eyes which will make anyone look tired as well as older. Experts recommend eight hours of sleep during the night to rejuvenate the body.

              The use of moisturizers can make the skin younger looking and give it a glowing appearance. There is need no buy expensive moisturizers in order to avail yourself of this beauty enhancer. The trick is to use the power of fruits and other natural products to make your own cream, face mask, cleanser and other beauty enhancers. These are called home remedies and you can make them right in  your own kitchen.

              Peel a cucumber, slice it and place it in the refrigerator for a few minutes. By placing the cold How To Make Use Of Natural Products To Enhance Your Looks4cucumber slices on your closed eyes you will relax the eyes and lessen any dark circles around them

           Did you know that oatmeal with honey can be used to exfoliate your body? Applying honey to your face and leaving it until it dries makes facial skin smooth and moisturized.

            Using natural products to enhance your beauty is not only cost effective, but it is also safe.

reference                                                                                                                   http://www.freearticle.com

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Enhance Your Appearance By Maintaining A Good Health

              The way you feel about your body figure and the way you look has an effect on your weight loss success. If you do not love your body, then it will be hard for you to achieve your desired appearance.
              The way you think about your body appearance relies on the practices that you use. Giving importance to your health is essential in improving your appearance. People who are healthy always look good; so if you want to look your best, you should start by maintaining good health. Here are some factors that will lead you to a physically fit body to achieve your desired appearance.
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1. Avoid eating foods that have refined carbohydrates. These may stimulate insulin spikes and acne break-outs. Acne on your face can cause embarrassment and be a burdensome problem.
2. Keep yourself active by enrolling in a weight loss program. Weight loss programs encourage individuals to set goals for having a healthy lifestyle and at the same time achieve the desired weight and figure.
3. You should have a healthy eating regimen that will reduce the calorie intake from some food sources. It is important to include in your diet foods that are rich in Vitamin A such as carrots that are rich in beta-carotene. Vitamin A and E is responsible for having a healthy skin.
4. You should have a regular physical activity or exercise. Involve yourself in outdoor activities and sports that will keep your body active and alive. Physical activity is essential for burning excess body fat.
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5. You need to eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in Vitamin A, C, and E. These are important nutrients responsible for maintaining a healthy body and skin. You should measure the amount of food that you eat everyday so that you will know the number of calories that you absorb.

6. Drink plenty of water everyday - at least eight glasses. You must avoid alcohol fruits and vegetables imagesas it will dehydrate your skin. Also minimize drinking beverages that have high sugar content.
            You should always remember that having a good healthy lifestyle requires discipline and focus to achieve the appearance you want. Any individual in good health can enhance his physical appearance which leads to improved self-esteem and personality. You will have a positive outlook toward your body image and lifestyle.
reference                                                                               http://www. freearticles.com
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May 9, 2012

Acne, the Scourge of Youth

Acne, the Scourge of Youth

             Plan a date; get ready for the prom, set the date for your senior picture or just want to look nice. What always happens; you know, acne, a zit as big as a cabbage lands on your face or on your nose. You feel like an alien in a land of smooth skinned movie stars. Why don’t the popular kids get acne? What are they doing that you aren’t doing. Why me; why me; why does this always happen to me. I’m a good person; why am I plagued with acne. No one knows for sure why people, especially teenagers, get acne. In the fifties and sixties, teens were told that chocolate caused acne or eating too much fried food caused acne. No one really knew anything to do except use Noxzema and pray. There were only acne treatments, no cures. Having acne was seen as a rite of passage.

          Today we know much more about acne and acne treatments. Some people have acne so bad that they take prescription medicine so strong that they must sign that they will not get pregnant while taking the drug. Other people take natural acne treatments because the idea of using potentially harmful treatments scares them more than the acne. The major problem with acute acne is that it can cause acne scars so bad that people have to seek acne laser treatments to improve their skin. Still others go to the grocery store and find over the counter acne products. As anyone who has ever suffered from acne will tell you, acne can rob you of your dignity and your feelings of self-worth. Our outward appearance, especially during the teen years, is so important. I know, “Pretty is as pretty does.” Well, pretty never seems to have acne.
People can be so cruel to acne sufferers. They can call you tomato face, pimple face, scar man or hundreds of ugly taunts. Because teens need to look good to feel good about themselves, the market for acne treatments is enormous. Commercials on television are always advertising the latest in acne medications especially during teen shows. The kids on the show always have smooth, blemish free faces and look exactly like every teen wants to look. Teens want to buy whatever acne medication is new and different in the hope that this new acne treatment will work better than others.
             There are even infomercials about acne treatments and acne cover-ups. These infomercials show adults who are looking for make-up to cover-up acne or acne scars. This heavy make-up does seem to cover up scaring or acne on the people doing the infomercial. There are also infomercials about adult acne solutions. Unfortunately, some adults do still get acne. There is a huge market of acne medications or acne treatments for adult acne, not on just the face but also for people who suffer from acne back. Shame makes these people fear others seeing their acne.
             One truth remains. There is no cure for acne but there are steps that can be taken to help prevent it. People who think that youth is wasted on the young probably never had acne.
After years as an educator and more degrees than she can count, Frances Coleman now writes professionally. She is a prolific reader with an advanced degree in research techniques. Learn more ways to prevent acne.
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Jun 9, 2012

How to Have a Glowing Skin.

How to have a glowing skin. 

woman holding a bag full of healthy food. shopping .
        Everyone wants glowing skin, healthy and flawless skin,but in this age of hectic schedules, deadlines
and long hours people have less time to take care of their health as well as their skin. As a result,
over time they find dark spots, wrinkles and unhealthy skin. Proper skin nourishing treatments are necessary
to retain skin's youth fulappeal and can help to retain the natural glow and smooth texture. 

          Your diet is a vital factor in determining the health of your skin, as you need to feed your skin from inside and out: Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit, drink fresh water, and use cold pressed, organic vegetable oils.          A diet based on these basics will ensure that your skin feels and looks healthy and young.For repairing damaged skin, some essential ingredients include Vitamins A, E, and C, Silica,Sulphur, and Essential Fatty Acids.
          Drinking insufficient amounts of water will, unfortunately,lead to premature ageing of the skin. Similarly, a diet lacking the correct nutrients outlined above, and poor blood circulation (sclerosis) from poor diet and lifestyle, will also lead to your skin deteriorating at an early stage of your life.
          The elements, particularly the sun, are the most common causes of damaged skin. Although sunshine is vital for our general health, and our levels of happiness, you should avoid being out in the sun in the middle of the day in summertime, especially in hot countries.
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          If you are fortunate enough to live in a hot country, I highly recommend that you use organic, natural sun screens. Also, wear a hat, trousers and a long sleeved shirt if possible. You also need to feed your skin from the outside by moisturising it regularly: organic oils are ideal for this. Feed your skin from the inside by drinking a lot of fresh water. 
          Many people are unaware of the fact that some antibiotics and other conventional medication can increase the chances of skin damage from exposure to sunlight. My advice is to use oils such as Carrot and Borage on your skin that are rich in Vitamins A and E. Pure Vitamin E oil is also good. Organic skincare products that are high in vitamins, flavinoids, and antioxidants are also hugely beneficial. Cryotherapy, or laser resurfacing are, in my opinion, only to be onsidered as a last resort.

            People often ask me how they can stop the ageing process, and eliminate their lines and wrinkles. Whilst it is unfortunately not possible to cease this process, there are certain things we can all do to slow it down: Regular exercise, a vegetarian diet, a good amount of fresh water, as well as some key nutritional
supplements will all help, as will a good attitude to life in general: We all need to take care of ourselves and those around us, as ultimately, we are all one.

                                                                   How to Have a Glowing Skin.


Using The Right Kind Of Sun Block To Enhance Your Appearance And Prevent Premature Skin Aging

                    Wrinkles have a great influence on a person’s self-confidence. The stigma connected to an old looking face is demonstrated by the reality that Americans are spending some12 billion dollars every year for cosmetics just to conceal the signs of aging.

The sun’s role cannot be miscalculated and is the primary cause of the skin’s premature aging. Ultraviolet radiation (UVA and UVB) originating from exposure to the sun, produce up to 90 percent of premature “skin aging” symptoms.

Using The Right Kind Of Sun Block 3imagesUsing The Right Kind Of Sun Block2 images

- Even minute UV radiation amounts activate the process that can cause skin wrinkles.

- Long-term accumulative and repetitive sunlight exposure is responsible for the majority of unwanted consequences, including squamous and basal “cell carcinomas”.

- Melanoma is caused by extreme sun exposure in early childhood.

         Sunlight consists of UVA or UVB radiation that penetrates the skin layers and damages it resulting in wrinkles, pigmentation of the skin, discoloration, freckles, etc.

- UVB is the main driving force of sun burning which primarily affects the skin’s outer layers.

- UVA penetrates more deeply and the intensity does not fluctuate during the day.

Tips On Using The Correct Sun Block:

1. Make sure that the brand provides both UVB & UVA absorption. Read the label and check; it should provide “broad spectrum” protection to absorb both UVB and UVA rays.

2. Make certain that it will disperse heat. Your sun block formula must spread around the energy of the sun with particles that disperse light to reduce heat buildup.

3. It should absorb radiation. Read the label and make sure that it contains natural products which absorb infrared radiation.

4. It should protect you from free radicals. Your sun block should be formulated with extracts from natural herbs to shield the skin cell membranes and prevent damage caused by free radicals.

5. It should deliver liposomes. Ascertain that the sun block has microscopic liposomes which periodically release directly to your skin.

6. Your sun block must have emollients to soften, moisten, and delay skin’s premature aging. Certain herbal ingredients such as aloe Vera, coco butter, vitamins, and amino acids, promote healthy skin.

            Your skin cared for as early as possible and by using the right choice of products and understanding the type of your skin. Use sun block to shield your skin from the sun and prevent wrinkles.


Jun 8, 2012

Top Skin Care Products

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            This article will give an idea of what the top skin care products are on the market today. Taking care of your skin is very important. Your skin is the first thing people notice about you and it is a good indicator of the way you feel. If you are tired, stressed or just not taking care of yourself properly, it is reflected in your skin. If you have made the decision to take better care of your body, don't neglect your skin.

           The first thing you should do before choosing a skin care product is determine what kind of skin you have. Is your skin oily, dry or combination? Do you have sensitive skin? Are you prone to acne outbreaks? These things must be taken into consideration before choosing a product.

           Once you have determined your skin type, research the various skin care products on the market. The best skin cleanser that gets rave reviews from dermatologists is Cetaphil cleanser. This is a non-soap cleanser that is gentle on all skin types. It has pure ingredients and won't clog pores. But it should not be used as a make-up remover. product skincare2images

             The next skin care product that gets good reviews is the Neutrogena line of products. It comes in gel, lotion or pre moistened towlettes. It can be used to remove make-up and contains vitamins A, C, and E. Neutrogena makes a cleanser for sensitive skin and also has lotions that contain SPF-15.

            MaryKay skin care products get good reviews from experts and the women that use them. These products may be a little more expensive, but women say that the result is worth the price. MaryKay contains Vitamin E, retinyl palmitate and microbeads for the best skin cleansing experience.

             If you are looking for a good moisturizer, Neutrogena wins the prize. It is moderately priced and has gotten great reviews from consumer review groups. If you have sensitive skin, then the best moisturizer for you would be Dove sensitive skin facial lotion. It is fragrance free and dye free and contains fatty acids that can develop a protective skin barrier. If you are looking for a good anti-aging moisturizer that also contains sunscreen, try Olay total effects. It contains a sunscreen with a UV protection of SPF-15. It also contains vitamins that are known anti-oxidants that are meant to nourish the skin.

           The secret to finding the best skin product is to try a few and see what works best for you. Your budget may also be a deciding factor in which product you choose. Some of the skin care products can be very expensive. However, higher price does not necessarily mean it is a better product. Do your research and find one that has great reviews like the ones listed above. Your skin is a barrier that protects you from germs and other types of bacteria. It takes care of you. Don't you think it is time that you return the favor?

reference :http://www.freearticles.com

Anti-Aging Skin Care Product

              This article will give you a few tips on finding a good anti-aging skin care product. As we grow older our skin tends to lose it's elasticity and develop fine wrinkles. After forty, the skin becomes thinner and tends to sag. It is at this age that women will start worrying about the appearance of their skin and will investigate ways to give it a more youthful appearance. It is common knowledge that you can't slow down the aging process, however there are ways to make your skin look younger and healthier.

             Your skin starts to age from the time you are born. But it really starts to become noticeable in individuals over forty. This is when you will start to notice fine wrinkles, decreasing skin thickness and uneven skin tone and texture. The damage from the sun's UV rays are beginning to catch up with you also. This is the time that you need to really start taking care of your skin.

             The most important product you can use on your skin is a sunscreen. The sun's UV rays can cause wrinkles, leathery skin and skin cancer. Protect your skin at all times when out in the sun.

            After many years of research, scientists have found that certain vitamins and mineral extracts are beneficial in reversing the effects of aging and slowing down the aging process. These are now being used in a lot of anti aging creams on the market today. The following is a list of the substances found to help the aging skin process:

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- Green tea extract is full of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It is used in anti-aging creams to reduce puffiness, wrinkles and large pores in the skin.

- Vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant that promotes wound healing and builds collagen. It can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and help heal sunburned skin.

- Vitamin A is another vitamin that helps to build collagen. It can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin A also has excellent exfoliating properties.

- Alpha Hydroxy Acids and Glycolic Acids are proven to be very effective in improving skin tone and texture. It can also form the production of new collagen and unblock pores to help treat acne.

- Copper peptides have recently been discovered to naturally firm the skin, reduce wrinkles and improve elasticity.

              There are other things that you can do along with using an anti-aging cream to reduce the signs of aging. The first thing is to eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water. Exercise regularly to increase blood flow and get plenty of sleep to enhance tissue repair.no smokingimages

              One of the most important things to do, is to quit smoking. Smoking will cause lines and wrinkles in your face faster than anything else. It also denies the skin of much needed oxygen. Take a close look at someone who smokes. You can see distinct lines and wrinkles around the mouth, especially along the upper lip and around the eyes.

              You can't stop the aging process but with the advances in technology and research you may be able to stop the appearance of aging. Find a good anti-aging cream that works and you might find yourself looking twenty years younger!


Self Tanning Lotion Steps to Follow for a Perfect Tan

             To get the perfect results using a self tanning lotion, there are a few steps that are a must-do. First and foremost, follow the directions closely, primarily because not all lotions are created equal. For example, some may be runnier than others and some may be tinted instead of the normal clear.

            Every day more self tanning lotions are coming out and are being improved, such as those that contain bronzers to let you see where you’re putting the lotion on and natural fragrances to reduce the chemical smell from your skin cells reacting to DHA.

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          In addition, there are other steps that you need to follow to help to ensure that you get the proper color the first time, every time. These include:

         • EXFOLIATION! This is in capital letters because this is the one main cardinal rules when you apply any sunless tanning product. At least 4 hours before your session, make sure that you exfoliate.

          If you use a salt-based scrub, either do this one day prior to your tanning or use a quality cleanser after so that no oil remains on the surface of the skin.

• Next, you really should use gloves. Using gloves helps to prevent the orange palms syndrome. Make sure the gloves snugly fit over your hands otherwise you will have some trouble applying the tan evenly.

One particularly useful tip is that if you can’t get gloves, keep a warm mixture of bleach water next to you so that you can immediately clean your palms off afterwards.

• Another step that is extremely important is to apply the tanning solution section by section. Many experienced self tanners suggest starting at the legs and working up the body. Perfect Tanimages

          Applying the lotion in sections, especially small ones, will help to avoid missing areas and streaking as well as make the application process easier.

• At each section, after you apply the self tanning lotion, work it into the skin until it is completely absorbed. Don’t be vigorous at this, a gentle motion will do, you just want to make sure that you get the full benefit of the lotion.

• If you didn’t buy another tanning product specifically designed for your face, use what you are using on the body.

            It’s a good idea though to mix a couple of dabs of regular lotion in with the tanning product to disperse the coloring more evenly.

• In addition, tanning lotions will tint your eyebrows and if they are tinted too much, they will look kind of funny. It has been recommended that you use a damp Q-tip on the eyebrows after you’ve applied the tan to remove any leftover lotion.

• Tan the back of your hands gently and make sure to sponge around the dry areas of your body, such as the soles of the feet, elbows and knees to remove any excess.

• And lastly, let yourself dry completely before you put your clothes on.

           When you are applying a self tanning lotion, remember to follow the directions on the bottle. There are also though, other tips of the trade that will help to give you the best tan.

Vitamins Improve Appearance

           A fast paced lifestyle can take its toll on the health and appearance of Americans. Most do not get adequate sleep, nourishment, and exercise. This is one of the reasons why vitamins and supplements have become household names. An average American needs at least thirteen vitamins to keep the body in good shape and keep everyone going. But do they improve a person’s appearance?

         The Following Are The Vitamins That Can Greatly Improve A Person’s Appearance:

1. Vitamin E.

          Perhaps the most popular vitamin that is often associated with beautiful skin is Vitamin E. It protects fatty acids and keeps oxidation inside the body cells. It also helps keep body tissues from breaking down.

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  According to US Recommended Daily Supplement (RDA), people who are 19 years or older require at least 15 milligrams of Vitamin E each day. Good sources of Vitamin E are eggs, tomato juice, apples, avocados, spinach, potatoes, turnips, etc.

          Having a beautiful skin will definitely improve the appearance of a person. Achieving this is easy; it only takes knowledge about Vitamin E and the proper intake of it.

2. Vitamin C.grapefruit images

           This is very essential to the body and its appearance; lack of it causes Scurvy. This disease causes inflamed and bleeding gums that result in tooth loss, slow wound healing, bumps on the legs and arms, and easy bruising.

            Vitamin C comes from citrus fruits such as limes, orange with vitamin Cimagesgrapefruit, and oranges. It can also be found in vegetables such as green peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, etc.

3. Vitamin D.

          This improves the posture by protecting the bones and muscles. An adequate supply of vitamin D3 (also known as calcium) protects a person from Osteoporosis. Obtaining this vitamin from food alone may not be easy, and for this reason it is recommended to consider using supplements. The most common sources of Vitamin D are oysters, clams, etc.; fish such as salmon and sardines; eggs, beef liver, etc.

4. Vitamin B.

           There are 8 groups of B-complex vitamins; these are B1 or thiamine, B2 or riboflavin, B3 or Niacin, B6 or pyridoxine, B9 or folic acid, B12 or cyanocobalamin, etc. They provide energy for the body and make skin healthy.

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           Vitamin B can be found in cereal, rice, meat, corn, nuts, cheese, meat, eggs, etc.

           Vitamins, like food, are essential for keeping the body in good shape and improve its appearance. Getting them is easy as ABC. Eating a well balanced diet combined with taking vitamins is the way to go.

reference :http://www.FreeArticles.com

Skin Types – Dry skin

            Dry skin can be a blessing but more often it is troublesome. Those with dry skin generally need not worry about blemishes except for the occasional stray that appears from hormonal changes or stress. But dry skin looks dull and flaky. And worse, it can emphasize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
           Age and the environment are two factors that contribute to this skin type. Over time, the sebaceous glands within the dermis layer slow their production of sebum, the body's natural moisturizer. The skin's ability to retain moisture also lessens as we grow older. This is caused by the breakdown of the intracellular matrix, the collagen and elastin layer that helps hold skin tissue together. When this layer begins to break apart, it becomes more difficult for skin to hold in moisture. As moisture escapes, skin becomes drier.
          Other causes of dry skin include climates that are arid, windy and dry. Use of harsh soaps and detergents and too much unprotected exposure to the sun's damaging rays can also negatively influence skin. Genetics plays a role as well.
How Do I Know I Have Dry Skin?
           First consider where you live. Windy areas and areas with low humidity cause dryness by stripping skin of its Dry skin imagesnatural oils. Living in areas where winters are cold causes skin trouble as well. Even if you don't spend much time outdoors, interior heaters as well as air conditioning units in hot, dry climates can sap the air of moisture and cause dry skin.
          Visible indicators of dry skin include skin that flakes easily. Plus, dry skin often looks tight and taut because pore openings are very tiny. If you don't yet see these tell-tale signs of dry skin but you're at or approaching mid-life, it's time to start looking.
Caring For Dry Skin
            If you have dry skin, proper care involves retaining as much moisture as possible. One way is to avoid using products containing alcohol because alcohol dries. Recommended ingredients for dry skin include alpha hydroxy, lactic acids, petroleum, lanolin and glycerin so take time to read product labels.
            Dry skin won't always feel like it needs to be cleansed, but it does, twice daily, morning and night. Using a gentle cleanser made especially for skin that's dry, cleanse using warm, not hot water. Finish off with a cool rinse. It's never a good idea to use hot water to clean any type of skin or to soak in a tub because doing so will only strip skin of its natural oils.
            After washing your skin, pat it dry using a soft towel. Then apply a light moisturizer. Those containing Vitamin E are excellent choices. If you wear make-up choose foundations that contain the moisturizing ingredients mentioned above.
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              Help keep skin hydrated by drinking water and increasing your consumption of high water content foods such as cucumbers and watermelon. Most fruits and vegetables are excellent hydrating foods plus they're excellent sources of important vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Antioxidants are crucial in helping maintain the skin's intracellular matrix.

Skin Types – Oily Skin

            Of all the skin types, oily skin is often the most challenging. Oil production is completely natural and is the result of the sebaceous glands located in the dermis or middle layer of skin. These natural oils help keep skin moist and supple. But for some, the sebaceous glands produce too much oil, leading to the most dreaded of the skin types – oily skin.
How do I know I have oily skin?
Most teen-agers have oily skin because this is the time when hormone production is in full swing. But if you've passed your teen years, there are other ways of determining whether oily skin imagesor not you have oily skin. It's fairly easy to detect, so start by looking in the mirror. Do you notice a sheen on your skin, especially in your 'T-Zone?' The T-Zone starts at the point between your eyes and extends vertically down along your nose all the way to your chin. The zone also runs horizontally across the bridge of your nose, starting and ending at the center point below each eye.
You may or may not notice the sheen during the day, so check again first thing after waking. If there's a sheen, chances are good you have oily skin. While you're standing at the mirror, take a look at your hair. If it's oily, it's another indication you likely have oily skin. If you wear make-up, specifically foundation, and you find it fades or wears off after a couple of hours, that's yet another indication of oily skin. If you're constantly patting your face with powder or even a handkerchief it's probably because of oily skin.
The presence of blemishes is another good indication although stress, hormones and other factors can all cause outbreaks. And remember that oily skin isn't found only on the face. The back, neck, chest, shoulders and arms can all be oily.
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How to care for oily skin?
If you do have oily skin, you probably feel that the best way to combat it is to strip away those pore-clogging, sheen-producing oils. Don't! Although they cause trouble for your complexion, oils produced by the sebaceous glands are important because they act as the skin's natural moisturizer. And oily skin is sometimes sensitive. Rather than completely remove oil, you need to keep it under control.
Another reason not to use harsh soaps that strip away oil is that doing so may cause the sebaceous glands to increase their oil production. They'll instinctively want to replenish the lost oils and you may end up with a bigger problem.
You've got to keep oily skin clean so that pores openings remain clear. Otherwise, dead cells, dirt and other bacteria will clog pores and cause pimples. Skin is delicate so always use a gentle cleanser and warm, not hot water. Exfoliate weekly with a non-abrasive product to help remove any pore-clogging material or use a toner that does not list alcohol as an ingredient.
Use products that moisturize in moderation and according to directions. Make sure the cosmetics and sun protection you use are oil-free. Look for skin care products with the words 'non-comedogenic' or 'non-acnegenic' on the labels.
reference : http://www.FreeArticles.com

Skin Types - Combination Skin

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            Combination skin is a separate category of skin type. It's neither 100% dry or normal or oily. It's instead a combination that's characterized as normal and oily skin, or skin that's oily and dry. In other words, like the song, combination skin is 'a little bit of this, and a little bit of that'.
             The common denominator in either type of combination skin is the presence of oily areas so care must be taken not to further aggravate these areas. Usually, it's the areas with the highest concentration of oil-producing glands – the face, chest, shoulders and the back – that are oily. Other body parts have fewer oil glands which is why they're either normal or have characteristics of dryness.
             The cause of combination skin really has to do with oil-producing glands that produce more oil than normal. Dryness is primarily caused by the environment, age and the breakdown of the intracellular matrix.
              Most people know whether they have combination skin just by looking at it. The areas that appear shiny likely will have some amount of pimples and/or blackheads. Makeup and other cosmetics usually won't last through an entire day without re-application. Dry areas flake and appear dull and may feel irritated.
Skin Care For Combination Skin
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              Proper skin care for combination skin        is best described as a delicate balancing act. You don't want to over-moisturize the oily areas, which mainly include the 'T-zone' or you risk waking up with an explosion of blemishes dotting your face. And likewise, you don't want to apply products formulated for oily skin to the areas that aren't oily or you risk waking up with skin that feels taut and scaly, especially around the eyes and mouth. So what's the proper way to care for combination skin?
             Cleansing twice daily with warm water and a gentle gel cleanser is most important. This helps to remove dead skin cells, dirt and excess oil so they don't block pore openings. Follow with a toner that's either water-based or glycerin-based after cleansing to help remove remaining residue. Periodic exfoliating is recommended to remove any remaining dead cells so new skin can take its place. It helps keep skin looking fresh and radiant. Be sure to look for skin care products that aim to balance the different skin types.
              For oily-normal skin, you want to keep skin hydrated, but dry in the areas prone to excessive oil. Choose moisturizers that are water-based rather than oil-based, making sure to apply sparingly to oil-prone areas. Spot-treat blemishes as necessary. Benzoyl peroxide products are very effective. Apply cosmetics designed to absorb oils, like powders or dab with oil-absorbing tissues as necessary.
             For oily-dry skin, moisturizing dry areas with emollient-based products is important to keep skin feeling fresh. The eyes may need an even heavier moisturizer and if so, just be sure to keep it away from the T-zone.
            And never forget the importance of applying sunscreen. Fortunately, many foundations and powders now do double-duty as both make-up and sunscreen!
reference                                                                                http://www.freearticle.com

Jun 7, 2012

A Relaxing Spa Experience Will Help You Enhance Your


           Spas abound in all sizes and shapes and they all have one thing in common which is that is all are dedicated to providing personal health. To a certain degree, each addresses emotional, physical and spiritual needs.

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          You can walk out of a spa physically and emotionally sound and free from stress. Stress is the number one factor that affects not only your emotions and health, but your appearance as well. A day in a spa helps to release stress and allows for the release of all negative energy, both of which are necessary to attain a more tranquil body.

The Best Spa Environment Must Offer The Following:

- Clean Surroundings

- Professional, Courteous And Friendly Staff

- Credentials That Are Available When Requested

Basic Spa Treatments Include:

1. Therapeutic massage is the use of the hands on the on the muscles of the body to provide a soothing and relaxing feeling as well as several other health benefits.

2. A facial is a service offered in a spa that involves deep cleansing, skin analysis, massage, toning, moisturizing and "extraction" - which is the removal of impurities, particularly blackheads.

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3. Body treatments involve cleansing by exfoliating with a body scrub or salt glow to cleanse the skin and remove the dead skin layers, resulting in a very soft and refreshed feeling.

     Body scrubs are usually supplemented with either a hydrating or detoxifying body wrap. Algae, seaweed or mud products are used to detoxify as they increase blood circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system. This improves your body's ability to release waste products. During the treatment, an oil or rich cream is applied to hydrate the skin to make it softer and glowing.

4. Spa manicures and pedicures and foot scrubs are available in some spas that have salons for hair styling and cutting services as well.

Before Going To A Spa, Call And Ask About The Following:

- Ask about the services they offer. There are those that offer the basics such as facials, massages, foot scrubs, “manicures and pedicures”, and others that offer specialized bodywork, body wraps and much more.

- Ask about prices.

- Ask about the staff: are they certified or not? Can you see their credentials?

Your Spa Etiquette:

- Turn off the cell phone.

- Massage is generally done nude, however parts of the body that are not being massaged will be covered.

- Share the space with other spa customers respectfully.

- If there’s anything that displeases you, talk to the manager.

- Remember to tip 15-20 percent.

Relax and savor each spa moment and arrive 20 minutes before so that you have enough time to change and enjoy the sauna.

Treat yourself to a spa today! You deserve it!


reference                                                                                   http://www.freearticle.com

L-Glutathione, The Wonder Antioxidant by: Barrett Niehus

        A naturally occurring compound, L-Glutathione (Tathion,) has demonstrated that it is effective in fighting cancer, environmental poisons, and even cataracts. Sound like snake oil? Well, that is what I thought until I started doing research. It turns out that L-Glutathione is one of the most effective antioxidants that our body produces. It works to protect our bodies from the thousands of daily hazards that we are exposed to such as pollution, second hand smoke, alcohol, and food chemicals and poisons. In fact, it is so effective that some researchers believe that it can actually slow down the aging process.


       L-Glutathione is an antioxidant that our body produces from three basic amino acids that are found in our food. Our body makes it and uses it, along with the other vitamins that we ingest, as a hard line defense against all of the hazards that cause us to grow sick and old. This is important because research into this specific anti-oxidant has shown that it can actually cure disease, regenerate damaged tissue, minimize the side effects of chemotherapy, and treat cataracts.

        It works by acting as a guardian to the toxic compounds that attack our cells. These compounds, typically called free radicals, are extremely aggressive and attack the molecules that make up the cells in our body. These free radicals change the chemical structure of the molecules in our cells and make them ineffective. This in turn either kills the cell, makes it ineffective, or turns it cancerous. L-Glutathione and other antioxidants attack the free radicals and destroy them before they have a chance to attack the cells.


         Because it protects our cells by attacking the external poisons, the levels of L-Glutathione in our blood have the potential to significantly impact our overall health. Studies have demonstrated that administration of L-Glutathione is extremely effective in treated diseases such as Hepatitis. It has also been shown to be a key player in the regeneration of the liver, and to combat cirrhosis. The compound is useful in treating jaundice and protects the brain and body tissues in the event of poisoning. In addition, the level of tissue damage from Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulfide, heavy metals, pesticides, and environmental poisoning has been demonstrated to be significantly lower with adequate L-Glutathione in the blood stream. Finally, the side effects of chemotherapy and the growth of cataracts have been demonstrated to be significantly reduced with the addition of L-Glutathione.

So what does all of this mean? Essentially, it is time to supplement your diet with L-Glutathione or the proteins that help your body make more of this essential nutrient. Although L-Glutathione is readily made by your body, supplementation with it and its precursors may increase your overall level of protection. Glutathione and its precursors, Cysteine, Glycine and L-Glutamic Acid, are all readily available as food supplements in your local health food store. In addition to eating a healthy and balanced diet, supplementation with Glutathione and its constituents can only help to increase your overall level of health, and may even slow down the process of growing old.

Jun 5, 2012

Anti-Aging Skin Care Product.

             This article will give you a few tips on finding a good anti-aging skin care product. As we grow older our skin tends to lose it's elasticity and develop fine wrinkles. After forty, the skin becomes thinner and tends to sag. It is at this age that women will start worrying about the appearance of their skin and will investigate ways to give it a more youthful appearance. It is common knowledge that you can't slow down the aging process, however there are ways to make your skin look younger and healthier.
              Your skin starts to age from the time you are born. But it really starts to become noticeable in individuals over forty. This is when you will start to notice fine wrinkles, decreasing skin thickness and uneven skin tone and texture. The damage from the sun's UV rays are beginning to catch up with you also. This is the time that you need to really start taking care of your skin.
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          Top skin care product you can use on your skin is a sunscreen. The sun's UV rays can cause wrinkles, leathery skin and skin cancer. Protect your skin at all times when out in the sun.
            After many years of research, scientists have found that certain vitamins and mineral extracts are beneficial in reversing the effects of aging and slowing down the aging process. These are now being used in a lot of anti aging creams on the market today. The following is a list of the substances found to help the aging skin process:
          - Green tea extract is full of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It is used in anti-aging creams to reduce puffiness, wrinkles and large pores in the skin.  greentea2images
          - Vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant that promotes wound healing and builds collagen.    It can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and help heal sunburned skin.
           - Vitamin A is another vitamin that helps to build collagen. It can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin A also has excellent exfoliating properties.
           - Alpha Hydroxy Acids and Glycolic Acids are proven to be very effective in improving skin tone and texture. It can also form the production of new collagen and unblock pores to help treat acne.
           - Copper peptides have recently been discovered to naturally firm the skin, reduce wrinkles and improve elasticity.
            There are other things that you can do along with using an anti-aging cream to reduce the signs of aging. The first thing is to eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water. Exercise regularly to increase blood flow and get plenty of sleep to enhance tissue repair.
             One of the most important things to do, is to quit smoking. Smoking will cause lines and wrinkles in your face faster than anything else. It also denies the skin of much needed oxygen. Take a close look at someone who smokes. You can see distinct lines and wrinkles around the mouth, especially along the upper lip and around the eyes.
             You can't stop the aging process but with the advances in technology and research you may be able to stop the appearance of aging. Find a good anti-aging cream that works and you might find yourself looking twenty years younger!

How To Make Use Of Natural Products To Enhance Your Looks.

             Man's tendency to become obsessed with being beautiful and how to be beautiful has not faded throughout time. Man's vanity continues to increase as man becomes more attached to technology and modern life.

            While there are different concepts of beauty among those who lived during the middle ages and those who are living in the 21st century, this yearning to capture beauty has remained unchanged.

             The only difference in this yearning is that today, there are a thousand and one ways available for man to become beautiful. Liposuction, nose lift, bust enhancement, lip and eyebrow tattoos, modern make up: name it, and modern man has it at his fingertips. How To Make Use Of Natural Products To Enhance Your Looks1

          The use of modern-day methods to enhance one's appearance has caused more trouble for man. Cosmetic surgeries and other beauty enhancers do not come cheap so one must have unlimited resources to finance the vanity. Despite man's preference for the unnatural beauty methods, there is always an option available to use natural beauty enhancers.

            A beauty secret that occurs in nature and is practically free, except perhaps for the monthly bill, is water. Water has been recommended by movie stars and glamour experts all over the world as a natural way of keeping the skin smooth and beautiful. Drinking plenty of water will rid the body of harmful toxins that can cause disease and physical imperfections such as acne.

              Another product that is absolutely free and is there for the taking is sleep. Lack of sleep makes a person irritable and ugly inside and out. Improper sleeping habits can cause the skin to become dry and break out. Lack of sleep can cause dark circles under the eyes which will make anyone look tired as well as older. Experts recommend eight hours of sleep during the night to rejuvenate the body.

              The use of moisturizers can make the skin younger looking and give it a glowing appearance. There is need no buy expensive moisturizers in order to avail yourself of this beauty enhancer. The trick is to use the power of fruits and other natural products to make your own cream, face mask, cleanser and other beauty enhancers. These are called home remedies and you can make them right in  your own kitchen.

              Peel a cucumber, slice it and place it in the refrigerator for a few minutes. By placing the cold How To Make Use Of Natural Products To Enhance Your Looks4cucumber slices on your closed eyes you will relax the eyes and lessen any dark circles around them

           Did you know that oatmeal with honey can be used to exfoliate your body? Applying honey to your face and leaving it until it dries makes facial skin smooth and moisturized.

            Using natural products to enhance your beauty is not only cost effective, but it is also safe.

reference                                                                                                                   http://www.freearticle.com

Enhance Your Appearance By Maintaining A Good Health

              The way you feel about your body figure and the way you look has an effect on your weight loss success. If you do not love your body, then it will be hard for you to achieve your desired appearance.
              The way you think about your body appearance relies on the practices that you use. Giving importance to your health is essential in improving your appearance. People who are healthy always look good; so if you want to look your best, you should start by maintaining good health. Here are some factors that will lead you to a physically fit body to achieve your desired appearance.
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1. Avoid eating foods that have refined carbohydrates. These may stimulate insulin spikes and acne break-outs. Acne on your face can cause embarrassment and be a burdensome problem.
2. Keep yourself active by enrolling in a weight loss program. Weight loss programs encourage individuals to set goals for having a healthy lifestyle and at the same time achieve the desired weight and figure.
3. You should have a healthy eating regimen that will reduce the calorie intake from some food sources. It is important to include in your diet foods that are rich in Vitamin A such as carrots that are rich in beta-carotene. Vitamin A and E is responsible for having a healthy skin.
4. You should have a regular physical activity or exercise. Involve yourself in outdoor activities and sports that will keep your body active and alive. Physical activity is essential for burning excess body fat.
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5. You need to eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in Vitamin A, C, and E. These are important nutrients responsible for maintaining a healthy body and skin. You should measure the amount of food that you eat everyday so that you will know the number of calories that you absorb.

6. Drink plenty of water everyday - at least eight glasses. You must avoid alcohol fruits and vegetables imagesas it will dehydrate your skin. Also minimize drinking beverages that have high sugar content.
            You should always remember that having a good healthy lifestyle requires discipline and focus to achieve the appearance you want. Any individual in good health can enhance his physical appearance which leads to improved self-esteem and personality. You will have a positive outlook toward your body image and lifestyle.
reference                                                                               http://www. freearticles.com

May 9, 2012

Acne, the Scourge of Youth

Acne, the Scourge of Youth

             Plan a date; get ready for the prom, set the date for your senior picture or just want to look nice. What always happens; you know, acne, a zit as big as a cabbage lands on your face or on your nose. You feel like an alien in a land of smooth skinned movie stars. Why don’t the popular kids get acne? What are they doing that you aren’t doing. Why me; why me; why does this always happen to me. I’m a good person; why am I plagued with acne. No one knows for sure why people, especially teenagers, get acne. In the fifties and sixties, teens were told that chocolate caused acne or eating too much fried food caused acne. No one really knew anything to do except use Noxzema and pray. There were only acne treatments, no cures. Having acne was seen as a rite of passage.

          Today we know much more about acne and acne treatments. Some people have acne so bad that they take prescription medicine so strong that they must sign that they will not get pregnant while taking the drug. Other people take natural acne treatments because the idea of using potentially harmful treatments scares them more than the acne. The major problem with acute acne is that it can cause acne scars so bad that people have to seek acne laser treatments to improve their skin. Still others go to the grocery store and find over the counter acne products. As anyone who has ever suffered from acne will tell you, acne can rob you of your dignity and your feelings of self-worth. Our outward appearance, especially during the teen years, is so important. I know, “Pretty is as pretty does.” Well, pretty never seems to have acne.
People can be so cruel to acne sufferers. They can call you tomato face, pimple face, scar man or hundreds of ugly taunts. Because teens need to look good to feel good about themselves, the market for acne treatments is enormous. Commercials on television are always advertising the latest in acne medications especially during teen shows. The kids on the show always have smooth, blemish free faces and look exactly like every teen wants to look. Teens want to buy whatever acne medication is new and different in the hope that this new acne treatment will work better than others.
             There are even infomercials about acne treatments and acne cover-ups. These infomercials show adults who are looking for make-up to cover-up acne or acne scars. This heavy make-up does seem to cover up scaring or acne on the people doing the infomercial. There are also infomercials about adult acne solutions. Unfortunately, some adults do still get acne. There is a huge market of acne medications or acne treatments for adult acne, not on just the face but also for people who suffer from acne back. Shame makes these people fear others seeing their acne.
             One truth remains. There is no cure for acne but there are steps that can be taken to help prevent it. People who think that youth is wasted on the young probably never had acne.
After years as an educator and more degrees than she can count, Frances Coleman now writes professionally. She is a prolific reader with an advanced degree in research techniques. Learn more ways to prevent acne.