Jun 9, 2012

How to Have a Glowing Skin.

How to have a glowing skin. 

woman holding a bag full of healthy food. shopping .
        Everyone wants glowing skin, healthy and flawless skin,but in this age of hectic schedules, deadlines
and long hours people have less time to take care of their health as well as their skin. As a result,
over time they find dark spots, wrinkles and unhealthy skin. Proper skin nourishing treatments are necessary
to retain skin's youth fulappeal and can help to retain the natural glow and smooth texture. 

          Your diet is a vital factor in determining the health of your skin, as you need to feed your skin from inside and out: Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit, drink fresh water, and use cold pressed, organic vegetable oils.          A diet based on these basics will ensure that your skin feels and looks healthy and young.For repairing damaged skin, some essential ingredients include Vitamins A, E, and C, Silica,Sulphur, and Essential Fatty Acids.
          Drinking insufficient amounts of water will, unfortunately,lead to premature ageing of the skin. Similarly, a diet lacking the correct nutrients outlined above, and poor blood circulation (sclerosis) from poor diet and lifestyle, will also lead to your skin deteriorating at an early stage of your life.
          The elements, particularly the sun, are the most common causes of damaged skin. Although sunshine is vital for our general health, and our levels of happiness, you should avoid being out in the sun in the middle of the day in summertime, especially in hot countries.
                  How to Have a Glowing Skin2 immage           How to Have a Glowing Skin3 immage
          If you are fortunate enough to live in a hot country, I highly recommend that you use organic, natural sun screens. Also, wear a hat, trousers and a long sleeved shirt if possible. You also need to feed your skin from the outside by moisturising it regularly: organic oils are ideal for this. Feed your skin from the inside by drinking a lot of fresh water. 
          Many people are unaware of the fact that some antibiotics and other conventional medication can increase the chances of skin damage from exposure to sunlight. My advice is to use oils such as Carrot and Borage on your skin that are rich in Vitamins A and E. Pure Vitamin E oil is also good. Organic skincare products that are high in vitamins, flavinoids, and antioxidants are also hugely beneficial. Cryotherapy, or laser resurfacing are, in my opinion, only to be onsidered as a last resort.

            People often ask me how they can stop the ageing process, and eliminate their lines and wrinkles. Whilst it is unfortunately not possible to cease this process, there are certain things we can all do to slow it down: Regular exercise, a vegetarian diet, a good amount of fresh water, as well as some key nutritional
supplements will all help, as will a good attitude to life in general: We all need to take care of ourselves and those around us, as ultimately, we are all one.

                                                                   How to Have a Glowing Skin.


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Jun 9, 2012

How to Have a Glowing Skin.

How to have a glowing skin. 

woman holding a bag full of healthy food. shopping .
        Everyone wants glowing skin, healthy and flawless skin,but in this age of hectic schedules, deadlines
and long hours people have less time to take care of their health as well as their skin. As a result,
over time they find dark spots, wrinkles and unhealthy skin. Proper skin nourishing treatments are necessary
to retain skin's youth fulappeal and can help to retain the natural glow and smooth texture. 

          Your diet is a vital factor in determining the health of your skin, as you need to feed your skin from inside and out: Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit, drink fresh water, and use cold pressed, organic vegetable oils.          A diet based on these basics will ensure that your skin feels and looks healthy and young.For repairing damaged skin, some essential ingredients include Vitamins A, E, and C, Silica,Sulphur, and Essential Fatty Acids.
          Drinking insufficient amounts of water will, unfortunately,lead to premature ageing of the skin. Similarly, a diet lacking the correct nutrients outlined above, and poor blood circulation (sclerosis) from poor diet and lifestyle, will also lead to your skin deteriorating at an early stage of your life.
          The elements, particularly the sun, are the most common causes of damaged skin. Although sunshine is vital for our general health, and our levels of happiness, you should avoid being out in the sun in the middle of the day in summertime, especially in hot countries.
                  How to Have a Glowing Skin2 immage           How to Have a Glowing Skin3 immage
          If you are fortunate enough to live in a hot country, I highly recommend that you use organic, natural sun screens. Also, wear a hat, trousers and a long sleeved shirt if possible. You also need to feed your skin from the outside by moisturising it regularly: organic oils are ideal for this. Feed your skin from the inside by drinking a lot of fresh water. 
          Many people are unaware of the fact that some antibiotics and other conventional medication can increase the chances of skin damage from exposure to sunlight. My advice is to use oils such as Carrot and Borage on your skin that are rich in Vitamins A and E. Pure Vitamin E oil is also good. Organic skincare products that are high in vitamins, flavinoids, and antioxidants are also hugely beneficial. Cryotherapy, or laser resurfacing are, in my opinion, only to be onsidered as a last resort.

            People often ask me how they can stop the ageing process, and eliminate their lines and wrinkles. Whilst it is unfortunately not possible to cease this process, there are certain things we can all do to slow it down: Regular exercise, a vegetarian diet, a good amount of fresh water, as well as some key nutritional
supplements will all help, as will a good attitude to life in general: We all need to take care of ourselves and those around us, as ultimately, we are all one.

                                                                   How to Have a Glowing Skin.


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